Visiting us again? Get rewards and take advantage of the exclusive benefits of our Loyalty Club.

About the Loyalty Club

As a registered player, you will automatically get a free discount card, which you can use right away in the next game. For each deposit you make, you will earn extra bonus points on your card, which can be translated into game credits and valuable prizes. You can easily check the current amount of points on your loyalty card on touch terminals.

As we value your loyalty, you will receive an attractive gift from us on your birthday and name day.

For more information, visit any of our casinos with the E-card logo.

The advantages of the loyalty program

  1. gifts on your name day and birthday
  2. collecting points for each game
  3. translating loyalty points into game credits and valuable prizes
  4. special offers by SMS
  5. registration bonus
  6. bonus for each visit

Get more out of each game

Collect loyalty points on your E-card for each game. It is up to you whether you translate your points into credits or valuable prizes. With the E-card, you will be the first to know about special offers and news.


special offers
by SMS

points for
each game

loyalty points
into game
credits and
valuable prizes

gifts on your
name day
and birthday

for each visit

Choose your casino

How to get to us? Find the shortest way! Galaxy casinos and gaming clubs can be found all over the Czech Republic and Slovakia.